The methodology of Teaching Science The methodology of teaching science should focus on impacting learners with diverse ways of understanding the concept deeply. Science is more of finding and discovering new facts. The methods of teaching it should be impactful and should advance ways of thinking of students. Sciences are ever growing and to ensure students are advancing sciences, the teaching methodology should be involving students to their own learning.

Students should also be able to solve myriad of problems arising from time to time. A good teaching methodology should be interesting and should have a way of gauging students understanding of the topic throughout the study. Over time, scholars have come up with great teaching methodologies that have been found to be effective.

Asking Questions

Asking questions have been found to be effective in all sets of teaching methodologies of teaching science. It invokes thinking of students and answers are found immediately from an authority they can trust. Asking questions as a method of teaching improves memory.

Students can use the process used to arrive at the answer in solving other questions of similar nature. In the process of answering the questions asked, a teacher can assess the confidence of students as well as their understanding of the topic. Different answers given by students give a new idea to students and the teacher and gives students different concepts.


Demonstrations are old age teaching methodology that has proved to be very effective at all levels of learning from junior school to buy dissertation proposal presentation. It provokes thinking of students in a different way on known assumption. Demonstrations should use everyday tools to ensure that students take a short time plan for demonstration and maintain students focused and interested on it.


Lecturing is the most popular methodology of teaching science. Its effectiveness varies with since of class enrollment. With a large group of students, lecturing becomes less effective and should be infused with other teaching methodology to ensure that science students get the best of it. Engaging students in short discussions and asking questions that disrupt students thinking to ensure students are focused on learning. Movement around the class and touching on trending topics can make students get more alert during the lecture.


Varied types of discussion are used to teaching science. This depends on the topic and size of the class enrolment. For a small class enrollment, a discussion can involve the whole class. However, for large class enrollment, small group discussions are more effective. Instructor-centered and student-centered discussions are applied depending on the intention of the discussion.

A discussion has been regarded as best way enabling students to come up with their conceptual framework as well as learning problem-solving skills. Discussion makes students prepare better for classes. However, discussion composition should be considered to ensure students’ participation is not limited. Facilitator keenness is also needed to ensure key points are observed during student-centered discussions.


Laboratories proving a good setting for impactful teaching and learning of sciences. It provides space for experimentation which is a foundation of scientific understanding and knowledge. Students are able to think and solve problems that real in daily happenings. Laboratory experiment should deepen understanding of the students to the concept and application to new situations. They should also be able to improve students thinking, both critical band quantitatively.

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